Location Eskisehir / Turkey
Application Irrigation
Flow Rate 4662 m3/h
Filter Body Material AISI 304L
Filter Element Material AISI 316Ti
Model Filternox® SPT-WBV-MR Patented Filter
Automation PLC with Touch Screen HMI Panel


At Eskisehir 3rd Regional Directorate Irrigation Project, a large fish reached one of Filternox® automatic backwashing filters that have been in operation since April 2017. This happened in spite of the coarse intake strainer where water is abstracted from the nearby dam. The automatic backwashing system of our filter has discharged the fish through the 2″(DN50) diameter drainage. The purpose of our filters is to remove such large contaminants from the system by means of our internationally patented dual cleaning device (brushes & vacuum nozzles). Otherwise, this kind of large contaminants may remain in the filter, eventually causing mechanical damage. Moreover, they may reach the irrigation system and damage hydrant, counter and other elements.

Filternox® The best patented filter for all surface water irrigation!