Filternox KFH-B-MR


Filternox® KFH models have extra automatic self-cleaning system for coarse screen beside automatic self-cleaning fine screen. This feature enables two-stage filtration in one filter unit.

These models are convenient for water with high suspended solid loads.



Body Material Max. Operating Temperature Back-Flush Water Consumption
AISI 304L, AISI 316L 60°C / 90°C 200 – 400 l / back-flush
Screen Material Headloss at Max. Flow Rate Fine Screen Range
AISI 316L 0.2 bar 10 – 3000 micron
Max. Operating Pressure Back-Flush Time Control System
10 bar (16-25 bar optional) 20 – 80 s Electric
Min. Inlet Pressure Required During Back-Flush rpm of Cleaning Mechanism
2 bar Adjustable

For different pressure and material requirements, please contact us.

surface water filter1KFHsurface water filter3KFH6KFH5KFHsurface water filterHydroelectric-2_Filternox-KFHHydroelectric-3_Filternox_KFHHydroelectric-7_Filternox-KFHfilternox kfh-b-mrIrrigation-Surface Water-kfh-b-mrkfh-b-mr-11kfh-b-mr-12kfh-b-mr-13kfh-b-mr-14

Suitable applications